our services

pregnancy massage
Our RMTs are trained to treat pregnancy-related concerns throughout all three trimesters right up until your due date! Depending on your comfort level and your doctor’s advice, we can even treat you face down on our specialized pregnancy pillows. Be sure to let your RMT know upon booking how far along you will be at the time of your treatment.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle massage technique following specific patterns to assist the lymphatic system in removing inflammation and toxins from the body. This can help with common issues like headaches, migraines, old persistent injuries, pre- and post- surgery, neuralgias and auto immune diseases. We also provide Combined Decongestive Therapy which utilizes manual lympahtic drainage, compression bandaging, skin care and exercise. This type of therapy may be helpful for patients suffering from lymphedema, lipidema and chronic venous insufficiency.
*Offered by specific RMTs only - please call or go onto our booking website for more information.
manual lymphatic drainage

myofascial release
Myofascial Release is a helpful manual therapy technique which focuses on releasing pain caused by the tough membranes that wrap, connect, and support your muscles.